Bolton vs Hull Timeline (Head to Head)
Bolton vs Hull Timeline FAQ
When did Bolton last beat Hull?
The last time Bolton beat Hull was back in 8 November 2008 when they won 1-0 in the Premier League.
When did Bolton last loose to Hull?
The last time Bolton lost to Hull was on 22 August 2009 when they lost 0-1 in the Premier League.
When was Bolton's biggest win over Hull?
Bolton's biggest win over Hull was on 8 November 2008 when they won 1-0 in the Premier League.
When was Bolton heaviest defeat to Hull?
Bolton's heaviest defeat to Hull was on 22 August 2009 when they were beaten 0-1 in the Premier League.
When do Bolton and Hull next play each other?
There is currently no scheduled match between Bolton and Hull coming soon.
Bolton vs Hull Stats
- Total Matches:
- 4 Matches
- Total Goals:
- 8 Goals
- Goals Per Match:
- 2.00 Goals Per Match
- Bolton Wins:
- 1 (25%)
- Draws:
- 2 (50%)
- Hull Wins:
- 1 (25%)
- Wins: 1 (25%)
Losses: 1 (25%)
Goals Scored: 4 Goals (1.00/match)
Goals Conceded: 4 Goals (1.00/match)
Cleansheets: 1
Biggest Win:1-0 on 8 November 2008.
Heaviest Defeat:0-1 on 22 August 2009.
Sequence:DLDW HullHUL
- Wins: 1 (25%)
Losses: 1 (25%)
Goals Scored: 4 Goals (1.00/match)
Goals Conceded: 4 Goals (1.00/match)
Cleansheets: 1
Biggest Win:1-0 on 22 August 2009.
Heaviest Defeat:0-1 on 8 November 2008.
This data is based on all matches in our system and may not be 100% complete.
Bolton vs Hull Next H2H
No upcoming matches found.
Bolton vs Hull Last H2H

29 Dec 2009

Bolton vs Hull Timeline All Matches

29 Dec 2009

Premier League - round: 20

22 Aug 2009

Premier League - round: 3

16 May 2009

Premier League - round: 37

8 Nov 2008

Premier League - round: 12